ACLU of Colorado lawyers filed suit against Denver Police Officers on behalf of Ruby Johnson for violations of the Colorado Constitution for ransacking her home based on an utterly deficient search warrant for a crime that Ruby had nothing to do with. Ms. Johnson was a 78-year-old grandmother who lived alone in her Montbello home when she was subjected to a terrifying hours-long search by a Denver Police Department (DPD) SWAT team in body armor and carrying automatic weapons. 2022年1月4日,伊万卡. Johnson’s world was shaken when a DPD SWAT team showed up at her home of 40 years, searching for stolen goods and evidence of a truck theft. The hastily undertaken and outsized operation was based on a manifestly deficient search warrant and turned up nothing because Ms. Johnson and her home had no involvement whatsoever with the alleged incident. 

在搜查的前一天, DPD Detective Gary Staab was assigned to investigate a January 3 theft of a truck.  卡车的主人, 杰里米•麦克丹尼尔, 说里面有两架无人机, 六个武器, $4,000的现金, 还有一部旧的iPhone 11. The sole basis Detective Staab identified for connecting the crime to Ms. Johnson’s address was McDaniel’s use of Apple’s Find My app to try to track the old iPhone, which had allegedly pinged in the Montbello neighborhood.  But contrary to Detective Staab’s representations to the reviewing judge, the Find My app in fact made clear that the iPhone’s location could not be accurately identified, and there was no basis to identify and search Ms. 约翰逊的家.

We brought this action against DPD Detective Gary Staab, who obtained the warrant and led the ensuing illegal search, 和州警局的格雷戈里·布希警官, who reviewed and approved the deficient warrant. The Colorado Constitution requires that search warrants be based on probable cause supported by a written affidavit before police can invade the privacy of someone’s home. This fundamental protection ensures that all of us can maintain the sanctity of our homes from police intrusion. Here, however, the deficient warrant authorizing the search of Ms. 约翰逊的家 was unsupported by probable cause.

This case, as part of the ACLU of Colorado’s Campaign for Smart Justice, is just one example of a larger problem of police obtaining warrants and invading people's homes based on false information, including — like in this case —when police misrepresent the significance and accuracy of technology.


Jury Finds Denver Police Officers Violated Colorado Constitution, Awards $3.7600万美元的损失

ACLU Sues Denver Police Detective Over Unlawful SWAT-team Search of Montbello Grandmother's Home


"78岁老妇获赔3美元.7600万年 after SWAT raided her home, found no evidence,《sbobet篮球》,2024年3月4日

"奶奶赢了3美元.7600万年 after SWAT raid destroys home based in Find My iPhone app ping officers 'did not understand'”,法律 & 《sbobet篮球》,2024年3月6日

"SWAT team invaded sacred woman's home, found no evidence, suit says. 她赢了3美元.76M", San Luis Obispo Tribune, March 5, 2024

"科罗拉多陪审团判3美元.7600万年, finds two Denver Police officers guilty of constitutional violations《sbobet篮球》,2024年3月4日

"An iPhone app led a SWAT team to raid the wrong home. 店主起诉并赢得了3美元.800万年,《sbobet篮球》2024年3月7日

"Black Grandmother Wrongly Raided by Denver Police Gets $3.7600万年", Chicago Defender, March 6, 2024

"评审团奖金3美元.7600万年 to Denver woman over SWAT raid of her Montbello home,《利记sbobet》,2024年3月4日

"科罗拉多州的一位祖母获得了3美元.7600万年 after bungled SWAT raid based on Find My iPhone ping, NBC新闻,2024年3月5日

"丹佛女子赢得3美元.800万年 verdict after SWAT team wrongly searched her homed based on Find My iPhone app,《sbobet篮球》,2024年3月4日

"Terrifying moment SWAT team mistakenly raid home of innocent Ruby Johnson, 78, while she was in the shower after cops used Find My app to track down stolen iPhone and truck as she is awarded 3.7600万年,《利记sbobet》2024年3月5日

"奶奶赢了3美元.800万年 verdict after SWAT team searches wrong home based on Find My iPhone app,《利记sbobet》,2024年3月7日

"78-year-old Black woman Ruby Johnson wins $3.8M verdict after SWAT team searched wrong home,《sbobet篮球》,2024年3月5日

"奶奶得到3美元.700万美元涉嫌“查找我的iPhone”, BBC新闻,2024年3月5日

"科罗拉多州的祖母赢得了3美元.76m after SWAT team storms wrong house based on 'Find My' phone data,天空新闻,2024年3月6日

"Jury awards almost $4M in damages in Denver police SWAT search,福克斯电视台,2024年3月4日

"78-Year-Old Grandmohter Awarded $3.非法特警突袭后800万美元,《sbobet篮球》,2024年3月6日

"Colorado Jury Awards 78-Year-Old Woman $3.7600万年 After SWAT Raids Her Home,《利记sbobet》,2024年3月7日

"Jury awards Denver woman whose home was raided by SWAT team $3.7600万年,哥伦比亚广播公司科罗拉多频道,2024年3月4日

"Black Grandma Whose House Was Wrongfully Invaded by SWAT...刚拿到薪水——《利记sbobet》,2024年3月6日


蒂莫西·R. Macdonald, Mark Silverstein, Sara R. 尼尔,安娜,我. 库尔兹和林赛. 弗洛伊德


贝克 & Hostetler LLP and Law Offices of Ann M. 罗安,有限责任公司









